sunnuntai 8. kesäkuuta 2014

To Austria and back

Always look at the bright side of life.
Like we told you last time, today we visited Austria, by bike. We cycled to Lienz, a city "about 40 kilometers east to Niederdorf" according to Markus. Using google maps turns out that there is 50 kilometers and biking there using GPS it's 57 km.

No idea where we are in this picture.

So it was a long way, but we had company at first; the Finnish group had arrived last night and we biked with them to Innichen and showed them the right road to continue to Sexten, where they had to find themselves. The road to Lienz was in very good condition and it was pretty much downhill all the way. Once again the nature surprised us with its beauty. The road went through a forest filled with trees much longer than in Finland, the mountains were nearby and the steep hills on the side seemed almost threatening. The river followed nearby almost through the whole journey and the sound of it made us trust on the fact that we were on a right way.

Pretty place to stop to take some pictures.
Only thing that wasn't so enjoyable was the sun. It was like in sauna outdoors, even the wind was hot, not anything like back home in Oulu. When we stopped to have a drink (cola, nothing more unfortunately) the wind and the sun felt almost hotter and our bicycles' benches were like touching fire...

When we made it to Lienz we were both exhausted and trying to find a place to eat started an argument between us. But when we got food and something to drink once more (sprite and strangely watery cola) everything was ok. We came back to Innichen by train and cycled the last 8 kilometers to Niederdorf. We took a shower and afterwards met the Finnish group again to talk about their journey and how it went.
Welcome to Lienz. It took 4 hours in the sun.

The next week will be pretty busy, checking out new hiking and biking trails and at the same time guiding the Finnish group.

Gleb: "Why can't I choose the pictures we put in the blog?"
Aino: "I'll tell you what. When you write the blogtext, THEN you can decide all the pictures you want."

1 kommentti:

  1. Leo is completely confident of the fact that EVERYTHING you write in the blog is just OK. And it is, of course Aino.
    After those mountain trips you'll be "made of steel". SUPER AINO and SUPER LEO
