perjantai 13. kesäkuuta 2014

Day off and photos!

Today we didn't have to go to work, but we worked anyway. We managed to put some information about different hiking and biking routes together and we did an example of Active holiday packages. Tomorrow we'll have feedback discussion about the whole week with the Finnish group. They also had a trip today to Sexten and they apparently continued up to mountain Helm on a ski lift. Here it was raining a in midday, so let's hope they didn't get soaked.

Here are some miscellaneous pictures!

Flowers again
On the way to Talschlushütte (probably spelled it wrong but whatever)
Melting snow makes cute rivers and streams
Aino's amazingly artistic pictures


The Finnish group on the way to see the three peaks

Markus took this with his pro camera.

On the three peaks still

First day picture, exploring Bruneck'

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