maanantai 11. elokuuta 2014

Three adventures - one post

Friday 8.8 - Rotwandwiese & Historical route
The first point of the Historical Route - Some soldiers slept hiding here during the war

We started a bit later the journey to Rotwandwiese, because we had to fix the bike first. Gleb took it to the bike store next to the hotel and it took half an hour to change the tire. Since Gleb is a much faster biker we thought that he should be the one to bike the worse bike. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the seat low enough for the better bike so that Aino could have cycled it so she had to take the crappy bike…

The passage to the Open Air Museum
In Sexten we asked from the tourist info about the Open air museum which was a Historical route on the Rotwandwiese –mountain and we bought a little book and a map so that we could take the route by ourselves. When we reached the hotel at Moos we ordered something to eat at the hütte next to it. After eating we learned that the we couldn’t pay with credit card because the signal wasn’t good enough. We should have biked down to Sexten to withdraw some cash but we felt lazy, so the waiter gave us the opportunity to pay tomorrow. It still would have been easier to go down to Sexten and bike back up (would have taken about 15 minutes) but on Saturday Gleb biked from Niederdorf to Moos to pay the bill.

We walked on the mountain where everyone else was taking the ski lift. The way up was a piece of cake, the uphill wasn’t steep at all and it took about an hour to reach the hütte where the ski lift went. On the hütte we ate again and continued the route to the Open Air Museum. We visited four points (1, 2, 3 and 7) that told us about what the soldiers had done and how they had lived during the first war on the mountains.
We walked down to Talschlushütte (the first place we ever visited!!) on a path that we had to take really carefully because it was steep and full of little rocks. From the hütte we walked back to Moos and rolled on the bikes back to Niederdorf.

Sunday 10.8 - Adventure park!
Monkeying away
Don't look down...
We took a train to Niederdorf to loan the bikes and to cycle to an adventure park in Toblach. The weather was at last good enough to complete this plan we have had a long time. The adventure park was small but there were even a few climbing routes that were on the trees 20 meters high!

The starting info was quick and we learned fast how to use the safety equipment. There were 10 routes on the trees – lower numbers were easier than the higher ones. We started from number two and kept on moving up to number 7. Number 8 was the route that Gleb couldn’t do anymore, but Aino struggled it through. Meanwhile Gleb had a change to take some photos from below. 

After completing the route we had a short pause and Aino moved on to the most highest and scariest route – number 9/10. The route had two crossings that were numbered 10 and Aino took the other one. Getting through the route was slow and Aino’s technique wasn’t the best one (it was mainly hanging in the harness and pulling herself forward using the features on the route). Gleb helped and urged her forward from below and took some pictures. After the crazy adventure we came back to the hotel and the hotel’s owner permitted us to use the sauna and the Jacuzzi.

Monday 11.8 - Some lakes again
It was a cloudy day and the feeling of rain was in the air the whole time. We should have taken a bit harder and longer route today, but because Aino felt really tired we drove to Antholz where the biathlon arena is. We took some pictures and walked to a lake of Antholz.

At the border of Italy & Austria
We walked half way around the lake and started getting up a mountain nearby. Markus had told us to take a route up and then come back but after we reached a hütte on top Markus called us and we realized we had taken the wrong route.

There was a road that went up to a different mountain which was on the boarder of Italy and Austria. So we walked to Austria to take some pictures and to have something to eat at the hütte next to a lake called Obersee which was on the Mountain. Luckily we had some cash with us this time, because the connection didn’t work and if we hadn’t had any cash we should have walked down to either side of the mountain for 10 kilometers to withdraw some cash.

After walking back down to Antholzersee the rain finally caught us. It was a pretty short shower but very hard and there were even a short shower of hail. Fortunately Markus’ pro camera was all right but we were soaked after reaching the car. 

Epic pose

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