torstai 28. elokuuta 2014

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss

The last week. We have been discussing about the sports therapy exercises and taken some more pictures. On Tuesday we had a climbing course in the lake Pragser Wildsee. It lasted about four hours and was a lot of fun. Even Gleb (who though he would be afraid to climb high) climbed all the way to the top all the four walls! The climbing required trust to the person below who was holding the rope. Apparently we did quite well since the guide told us that we could make it up to the highest of Drei Zinnen with some guides with us. Obviously the highest of the Drei Zinnen peaks is not that challenging to climb but you have to be in a good shape because of the height of it.

After climbing we got to try a cool swing that was attached on the rock wall. The swing was scary as it was attaches so high but we all tried it anyway and after jumping and letting go of the rock it felt as if you were flying.

And we will be flying back to Finland tomorrow. It feels good to come back and see some other faces for a change! We have learned a lot in here, about sports therapy, about setting up own business, about sports instruction and physiotherapy... we have even learned a bit of German. It's weird to think that soon we'll be back to Rovaniemi, waking up at the sound of alarm, knowing that the day will be like any other day in school. There will be no more exciting new adventures up in the Dolomites, no more hiking and wondering which path to choose, no more Italian or German people confusing us by trying to explain something.

We know three months isn't such a long time to spent abroad and that it's not hard at all to adjust again to everyday life back in Finland (just a one hour time difference and a flatter terrain). We know that Finland is unique as well with its large forests and it has a beautiful nature in a different kind to re-discover. There will be different kinds of adventures ahead of us, different kinds of paths to choose.

But as we leave, it feels like some part of us stays in here. The Dolomites have a strong grip on that part. And even if they would let go, we feel like we didn't want them to. Instead we want them to hold on to that part and never let go.

Because maybe someday we'll come back.

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