lauantai 9. elokuuta 2014

Drei Zinnen Wednesday

Morning sun :)
We had to give back the bike Aino has been using and we realized that the spare bike we had, had a flat tire, so we couldn't use bikes. Instead we headed early on the morning to Dürrensee by car and took Markus' systems camera with us. We had to take pictures and visit two hütte.

The route to the Drei Zinnen was very long but gladly not so steep. It took about two and a half hour to get to the first hütte (drei zinnen hütte) mainly because Aino kept on stopping to take more and more pictures of the mountains and landscapes and marmots. We had already stopped once to take some snacks so we didn't have to stop at the hütte for longer. The hütte was full of guests anyway, because of the great weather.

We continued on the mountains to the second hütte (the name of wich is too complicated and I can't remember it). The view was like from some western movie at first but as we continued there were little lakes and meadows.

The other hütte was full of people as well, so we only took something to drink and kept on going. We walked around the mountain we had just passed and walked down to a meadow with horses grazing on it. We continued to Lavaredo hütte, which is the same hütte where we were with the Finnish group. In there we finally got a little bigger brake and had something to eat.

We could have continued straight to the place where we had got up to Drei Zinnen, but instead we decided to go around them and to take a different route down that we had noted on the map. We were already very tired and because it wasn't that hot we hadn't put on any sunscreen so now we were sunburnt. When we found the place where the route down should have started we found a little route that vanished on the way. We lost about half an hour to try and discover where the route started but we couldn't find it. So we headed to the same route we had taken up.

The route down seemed to go on forever as our legs were stiff and we were both extremely tired. On the way we saw the mysterious route which starting point we couldn't find, but it seemed very steep and it was full of little rocks so it would have been very slow to go down. When we finally reached the car we had walked on for 9 hours with only short pauses. Glad we couldn't take the bikes.

Climbers on the Drei Zinnen
We also hiked on the Rotwandwiese -mountain on Friday but we don't have the photos yet so we'll tell you about that later!

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