perjantai 18. heinäkuuta 2014


Looking dangerous...
The climbing part!
Markus had planned another adventure to Pragser Wildsee for us. We biked towards Pragser Wildsee and left our bikes in a parking lot about 3 kilometers away and walked over the mountains to get there. It was very hot day again, but we left earlier than last time so it wasn't that bad.

The walk up was steep and we felt tired quite fast, taking short brakes and having a sip of water every 15 minutes. When we reached a crossing to Herrstein, Aino felt eager to reach another cross yet again; so we started walking up. It didn't look so bad from below, but there were at least two "fake tops" which we had to reach only to realize that the top was even higher still. The last part was fun; we had to literally climb up to the top, there were only a metal chain to help you drag yourself up. We had our first bigger brake up on Herrstein, where there were surprisingly lot of people enjoying the views. Herrstein is over 2500 meters above sea level, the topmost mountain we have yet conquered!

Top of Herrstein
Aino's camera is broken so we have fewer shots of Gleb :(
The route we had taken at the beginning doesn't seem so dangerous anymore
We continued down to Pragser Wildsee slowly. The route was the same we had taken at the very beginning of our training in here - the dangerous one. But the route wasn't dangerous at all now that the snow had melted away. Only to people with fear of heights would it be a problem, and we faced one on the way down. A girl was struggling bad on the very steep and narrow part of the route. Her friend tried to help her get going, but the girl seemed shocked and stuck. Gleb helped her through the frightening part, and she thanked him a lot. We warned that there would be a couple parts like that later on the route, but she insisted us to keep on going, saying she didn't need any help anymore. Fortunately, as we kept on going, we realized that the other parts weren't so bad after all, so we guess she made it down all right.

After reaching Pragser Wildsee and having couple of Colas we walked back to our bikes and rolled down to Niederdorf. We discussed with Markus and it seems we have a lot of Computer work in front of us. We should keep on working with the Active Holiday Packages and take more pictures to be able to finish the guide to kettlebell, stick and resistance band exercises.

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